Our primary objective is to MALAMA (care for), HO’OULU (nurture), HO’OMALU (shelter and protect) and HO’OPA’A (strengthen) HO’OMANA: the pre-ali’i, pre-contact spirituality of the Hawaiian Islands.
We are accomplishing this objective by educating local, national and international communities about authentic pre-contact Hawaiian spirituality and philosophy.
Our mana’o is based on the traditional ways of old Hawai’i and presented in a contemporary manner; through research and application of traditional rituals, protocols and processes tied deeply to spiritual, mental and physical health and well-being. We continue to strive to strengthen cultural awareness of our unique Hawaiian culture.
The KALAMA Foundation is gifted in it’s creation as traditional pre-Christian, pre-ali’i style. It is an entity, which is honored in holding the old Hawai’i intact even through the many changes that have happened in Hawai’i in the last two hundred years. Like Hawaiian culture, the Foundation is ho’opa’a. The hulu is so intricately woven yet so firm and solid. As many things of old Hawaii, what you see is not what you get.
We at the KALAMA Foundation honor, teach, live and respect traditional Hawaiian Spirituality.
Our Kumu is a Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiian), and has been given the permission, approval and kuleana (responsibility) by his ‘ohana (family) to teach Hawaiian spirituality, as he was taught by his kupuna.
Stand tall, learn the traditional ways, be proud of indigenous knowledge.
is the Hawaiian name of the KALAMA Foundation. KALAMA O KA PO’E KAHIKO has a literal translation,
The Light of the Ancient Ones, and a deeper spiritual translation, The Wisdom Of The Ancient Ones.
Learn HO’OMANA, the old indigenous maternalistic spirituality of Old Hawai’i, pre-Ali’i and pre-Western contact. HO’OMANA means to make spiritual power and you do that when you go through the HO’OMANA classes presented at Halau O Limaloa.
The classes will begin to teach participants how Native Hawaiians integrate every part of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual self.
Revive your body, mind and soul with a Lomilomi, an ancient Hawaiian healing art.
At Halau O Limaloa we practice Iwi’ula Style Lomilomi. This style of lomilomi is extremely respectful and deeply sacred. We have two distinctly different forms of lomilomi, lomi kino and lomi kahea.
Journey with the KALAMA Foundation. Look to all the sources of Mana in Hawai’i. Imagine taking a trip through Sacred Hawai’i with a Kahuna. Imagine being at these sacred sites at their sacred times. See sacred sites that are not on any tourist map. Most of the trips include at least four islands and at times, five and six. This is a true journey workshop, educational yet relaxing. See the real and the surreal Hawai’i.
Heal with KALAMA Botanicals. KALAMA Botanicals has created two lines of healing oils. The WAIOMANA Collection and the KUHINA Collection. These collections use old Hawaiian traditional herbal medicines that have been used by Hawaiian families for generations for topical treatments and energetic healing of the body.
Grow Spiritually. If you have come to a crossroads in your spiritual path or are at a standstill in your progress, these potent Hawaiian concepts will move you onward in ways you have not imagined. These practices are not for the faint of heart and are to be used by the serious student on the spiritual path.
Consult with a Kahuna La'au Lapa’au. If you would like to have an individual consultation or are unable to attend our classes but would like more information on the traditional Hawaiian perspective of health, consider a consultation.
Connect with our haumana and learn more about Halau O Limaloa. We have halau in Hawai'i, Moloka'i, Maui, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, and New York.
Our haumana (students) are Hawaiians and non-Hawaiians who have been born, lived or have an affinity with Hawai'i. They all have a sacred and spiritual relationship with the 'āina (land) and mana (power) of Hawai'i.
Learn the old Hawaiian Art of Lauhala. This journey workshop is an amazing experience of Hawaiian culture unmatched by any other event in the Hawaiian Islands. In this workshop you will be harvesting, cleaning and preparing the lauhala to weave. You will also learn how to repair lauhala mats and weave a lauhala bracelet and/or fan.
Find out more about our next lauhala journey workshop in Hawai’i.